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How to control anxiety before a dental implant procedure?

An all on four dental implants in Tijuana procedure can cause anxiety to some patients. Although feeling some fear is inevitable, there is no reason to panic since our renowned world-class dentist, Dr. Demetrio Landeros, has performed thousands of successful procedures. Plus, local anesthesia is administered to eliminate any pain or discomfort.

If that is so, what are the possible causes for anxiety before dental implant placement? Read on to find out and learn simple tips to help you manage stress.

Why does going to the dentist generate anxiety?

Several reasons can make you feel uneasy about getting an All on Four Dental Implant in Tijuana or undergoing other dental procedures, for that matter. Some of the most common reasons are the following:

  • The speculation that local anesthesia will not work or may be insufficient
  • The dentist will not understand your concerns and will not be caring or understanding
  • The assumption that you will feel a lot of pain
  • Previous negative experiences, your own or that of others.

Do you identify with one of those points? You should know that it can cause serious oral health complications if anxiety is not addressed. The reason? You may be missing your regular check-ups out of fear or avoiding addressing dental issues. As a result, your oral health may be severely affected.

Generally, the numb area lasts for 2 to 3 hours, while the lips and tongue may be numb for 3 to 5 hours. However, as blood flow moves the anesthetic away from the site to be metabolized, the numbness gradually fades away.

Dental implants fact.

What does a Dental Implants procedure entail? In this procedure, the implant is inserted into the jaw bone, and it is essential to make a small opening in the gum. Local anesthesia is typically used, but if still feeling unsure or doubtful, discuss it with your dentist, as you can opt for the assisted sedation technique.

Thanks to this sedation element, you will be more relaxed and get rid of any fear or degree of imminent anxiety. Naturally, there may be several fears after undergoing an implant or Dental Crown procedure. However, this process is very safe and reliable. It explains the increasing success in countless patients after the intervention, which allows them to have an incredible and functional smile.

Tips to control anxiety?

Adequate communication with the dentist will facilitate calm anxiety. You can freely indicate that something bothers you, so your dentist will always be aware of how you are feeling during the procedure. Do not be afraid to tell the specialist if you are nervous or concerned; thus, he can promptly address any fear or concern.

Breathing freely is another good recommendation to follow; this will help you provide oxygen to your brain, which will reduce anxiety significantly. Try not to drink coffee or any other stimulating beverage before arriving for your dental implant treatment.

In addition, scheduling the appointment on a day and time, you are not in a hurry will be advantageous since it will prevent you from being tense or stressed. Finally, you can request any information you want about the All on Four Dental Implants in Tijuana to clear all your doubts and calm your anxiety.

Rest assured that Dr. Demetrio Landeros will provide you with all the necessary details and advice during your treatment. He is one of the best top-rated dental specialists in Tijuana; his success stories and remarkable results during his 40 years of experience make him the ideal dentist to restore your oral health.

Remember, your smile is our reward! Don’t let fear or anxiety about a dental implant prevent you from eating and siling comfortably; dental restoration methods are reliable and exceptional. Call us now at +1 (619) 734-2358 or email us at  to schedule a consultation with Dr. Demetrio Landeros.